“The STRIPMALL directed video features the Oakland rapper stepping through alleys and bullet-hole riddled warehouses as she proclaims that nobody can tell her about herself, because she knows herself best.”- Complex “The Stripmall-directed visual shows Valee and Calboy navigating through a building engulfed in flames, while the two are completely unbothered as per usual. At one point, Calboy even finds himself face to face with a jaguar on his bed, but the calmness of his vocals on the “Uninvited” hook keep the setting at ease throughout the entire video.”- Billboard Ever since I peeped the snippet released on Twitter earlier this week, I’ve been impatiently waiting for Supa Bwe and Sir Michael Rocks’ brand new collaborative offering, “Bag Bwe”. Thankfully, the time has finally arrived, and upon my first watch-through, I can confirm that this one exceeds any and all expectations that you could possibly have for an offering between these incredible Chicago talents. Whether it be because of the two artists’ seamless chemistry when they hit the mic together or the endless energy of the instrumental, “Bag Bwe” refuses to rest — and rightfully so.- Lyrical Lemonade